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4 Items

Overview of Resources for FQHC Regulations and Requirements

Includes: HRSA and Federal Resource, NYS Office of the Medicaid Inspector General (OMIG) Compliance Resources, New York State Medicaid Resources, NYS DOH Information, NYS Office of Mental Health (OMH) Article 31 Information, and NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS) Article 32 Inf Read More »

Ensuring Sustained Access to Telehealth in the Post-Pandemic Period

Jointly developed by the New York State Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare and the Community Health Care Association of New York State Read More »

Ensuring Sustained Access to Telehealth Post Pandemic: Patient and Provider Attitudes and Beliefs Support Use of Remote Care

The COVID-19 pandemic has encouraged the Federal and State governments to implement policies that increase access to remote care options across a variety of health care services. Read More »