Promising Practices for Treating OUD in the FQHC - May 27, 2020

Promising Practices for Treating Opioid Use Disorder in the FQHC – May 27th, 2020

In recent years FQHCs have expanded efforts to adapt and scale workflows addressing the needs of patients with substance use disorders, including those struggling with opioid addiction. While primary care providers in the FQHC have always confronted complex medical conditions, expectations around their capacity to treat the symptoms of patients diagnosed with opioid use disorder (OUD) have increased dramatically. This webinar focuses on the experience of FQHC providers championing OUD treatment in NYS, and offers reflection from a subject matter expert in integrative medicine and harm reduction. Participants will learn how to implement OUD services at health center sites, via discussion focused on approaches to treatment, workflow design, care team roles and OUD specific EHR templating. Changes in OUD service delivery triggered by a need to respond to the current COVID-19 pandemic will also be explored, along with the ways telehealth services have been utilized to maintain patient engagement.