AMC Health

AMC Health


Remote patient monitoring services


AMC Health is a 19-year-old Remote Patient Monitoring Company located in the NYC. They provide end-to-end services from RPM workflow integration, deployment of technology geared to the patient's abilities, tele-care management services to monitor patients efficiently and effectively, and an AL/ML clinical platform to effectively monitor patients. They are also the RPM vendor to the VA, the largest RPM user in the world.

Contact Information

Steve Berman,, (551) 265-2895


AMC Health sells their services on a simple PMPM basis. You can purchase or lease devices. AMC Health has the flexibility to customize solutions to your patient's needs.

Typical Cost

Less than $50/month.

Implementation Details

Workflows and Care Console Training (Best Practices) are part of AMC Health's standard offering. They can also provide their standard chronic care templates or assist you in implementing customized templates for your specific patient's needs.